Coffee genetics and varieties

The agronomic performance of coffee trees and the final cup quality are the results of the complex interaction between environment, farming / post-harvest practices and the genetics of the plant. Hereafter, we share some insights on the fascinating world of coffee genetics, genetic diversity and varieties.
Image Arabica coffee Cultivars Network

The Arabica coffee Cultivars Network

The Arabica coffee Cultivars Network interactively informs about the parentage of Arabica coffee cultivars. C. Montagnon thought it a lot before proposing the most simple and informative way of exploring genetic connections between cultivars. We hope you will like to play with this network! You might try it on your smartphone, but you’ll find it more comfortable on a bigger screen.

Arabica coffee Cultivars Wheel

The Arabica coffee Cultivars Wheel®

Thanks to the Arabica Coffee Cultivars Wheel®, based on the latest knowledge on C. arabica genetic diversity and grouping, spot your favorite Arabica coffee varieties. Whenever you can’t find your variety of interest, please contact us and we’ll be happy to help you and eventually update the Arabica Coffee Cultivars Wheel®.
Robusta coffee Cultivars Wheel

The Robusta coffee Cultivars Wheel®

Thanks to the Robusta Coffee Cultivars Wheel®, based on the latest knowledge on C. canephora genetic diversity and grouping, spot your favorite Robusta coffee varieties. Whenever you can’t find your variety of interest, please contact us and we’ll be happy to help you and eventually update the Robusta Coffee Cultivars Wheel®.

C. arabica history - movements and genetic diversity

Arabica history & genetic diversity

Thanks to significant genetic studies since 2020 (Krishan et al, 2021; Montagnon et al, 2021; Montagnon et al, 2022)., the genetic landscape of Arabica coffee is much better known…

Robusta history & genetic diversity

Robusta history & genetic diversity

Coffea canephora produces the coffee commercially known as Robusta or Conilon. Robusta and Conilon are two botanical varieties of C. canephora corresponding to…

Understanding the different categories of coffee cultivars

Different types of coffee cultivars

Fixed lines, clones, hybrids, F1 hybrids…It is important to understand what is the meaning of these different expressions to navigate the world of coffee cultivars…

Variety, cultivar, landrace, heirloom Definitions

Variety, cultivar… : Definitions

I am often asked what is the difference between a variety, a cultivar, a landrace or an heirloom. I can see in various forum or websites a lot of opinions and some laudable efforts to explain…

Why do coffee genetics and varieties matter

Why do coffee genetics matter ?

Because genetics and varieties are key component of cup quality. This has been clearly demonstrated through a major meta-analysis of Cup of Excellence database (RD2 Vision and ACE, 2020)…

The Coffea genus and biodiversity

The Coffea genus and biodiversity

According to the latest count, The Coffea genus includes 130 species. Only two species are widely cultivated C. canephora (producing coffee known as Robusta or Conilon) and C. arabica.